Hello ride-leader,

Cycling UK Reading needs to be able to manage some of your personal information for the purpose of building and managing rides lists.

By supplying this information you are consenting to the club using this information for that purpose.  We need your consent to manage your data as part of our GDPR responsibilities.

You'll receive approximately eight emails a year asking for offers of rides.  These will then be collated into the next season's rides list.

You can unsubscribe at any time from this list.  There will be clear instructions in each of the emails you receive about how to unsubscribe.  You can re-subscribe at any time in the future if you wish.

We need at the very least your email address.  Your phone number will be published on the list to allow potential riders to call with any questions they may have about your rides.   If you do not want your phone number to be published then do not add it in the form.

Finally, do ensure that you maintain your full membership of Cycling UK when leading a ride; without it you will not have the cover of the Organiser's Liability Insurance.

Thank you very much for your support.  As a club we wouldn't exist without ride-leaders volunteering their time in offering rides.

Simon Bird
Runs Secretary
Cycling UK Reading
07846 219114
* indicates required
If you don't want your phone number published on the rides list then don't fill in this field

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